Outpost Festival

Hello everyone!
You may have noticed that we haven’t posted for a while because we have a brand new website (thanks to Luke over at Wandering Tiger Productions) we hope you like it!
Since our development in the summer, we put our Ugly Duckling to rest for a few weeks before performing at New Model Theatre’s Outpost Season of Pop-Up work at the Royal William Yard in Plymouth. We performed on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th October as part of the family programme. The festival is fantastic, taking place over three weeks in October in Ocean Studios at the historic Royal William Yard and bringing work from all over the Country down to Devon. This year, there was also a special twist, with an Outpost REP company performing three different pieces across the festival- an Ibsen, Mark Ravenhill and a new play written by Artistic Director Tom Nicholas. Last year, I volunteered as part of the festival and it was such a lovely experience to bring the Ugly Duckling there this year. We were so pleased to see how well received the piece was, as we are hoping to still develop it for two further weeks next year. We had a brilliant turn out, so thank you so much for coming along!
Next up is Travellers’ Tales at St Anne’s Arts Centre in Barnstaple on Sunday November 27th. Tickets are now available via the North Devon Theatres Website. We hope to see you there!
Photo below by the fabulous Gemma Ward Photography: